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BELMONTE VIVA is a new cultural association, active for about six months, the territory of Bémont Calabro (Cosenza province)

It aims to promote the touristic development of its territory and the area of low Tirreno Cosentino. BELMONTE VIVA for Belmonte who is alive!



This old medieval town in fact, he has those historic resources, natural and cultural rights can become life-blood for the entire community. This awareness has moved a group of free citizens, fielding an idea - a project that led to the birth of the site:                                                                       The immense potential of "network" to allow all owners of accommodation: houses, B & Bs, hotels, etc. ... in the area, guaranteed to have high visibility and can therefore more easily answer that question Reception , typical of many tourists.




Along with this first goal, the action of Belmont VIVA aims to build some tourist packages already on the site through which to exploit the potential and the resources the area offers. Thereby creating the conditions for tourism throughout the year, to encourage the development of economic initiatives and increasing employment, improving quality of life. A new way of understanding culture. Where the inside, space is the heritage of customs and traditions that uses the previous generations that we have trasmesso.Tradizioni, enhanced and organized, are offered to tourists, so as to allow direct knowledge and participation of the place.


Typical products, to natural beauty. The ancient ritual, accompanied by the ancient sounds. A journey through time, for those who travel have made a lifestyle choice.


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OSPITALITA' DIFFUSA "BELMONTEVIVA" - Historic Centre - Via Indipendenza Vico Forno - 87033 - Belmonte Calabro (Cs)  Italiy - Tel: +39 346/9822000 - +39 349/5861668 - +39 339-8194840

                                                                                   powered 2009 Marino Arlia